Wednesday, July 21, 2010

CSA 2010: Week 6

This week from the CSA we got Beets, Collard Greens, Kale, Broccoli, Zucchini, Thyme, many bunches of Lettuce, Beans, and Blueberries (yes, I know this is the last thing we needed this week!)

Local Food Field Trip: Derrick Farm in Oakham

Today, I tried to take the boys blueberry picking at Berries & Bloom, but apparently they are closed both Tuesdays AND Wednesdays this summer. So, I decided to take a 20 minute drive out to Derrick Farms out in Oakham.
It was definitely off the beaten path, but once we wound our way there, we found a very large blueberry farm. We walked back to an area and they sat us chairs in front of bushes packed with berries.
Miles and I picked a lot, but Calvin ate far more than he put in his bucket. At just a little more than $2 a pound, Cal may have consumed 5 dollars worth while we were there!
In less than 30 minutes, picking from 3 different bushes we collected nearly 7 pounds total in all.
...and now we get to eat them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Backyard Find: Wild Blackberries

I discovered a small group of wild blackberry bushes in the back yard! A nice tasty treat, and there will be a low more in about a week.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Local Meal

The fridge is constantly packed with local foods now so it is easy to make local meals. Tonight we had grilled steak from Blood Farm and grilled zucchini and steamed beats from the CSA.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

CSA 2010: Week 5

This week provided:
· Beets
· Carrots
· Kale
· 2 lettuce
· Zucchini
· Snap peas/snow peas
· Red raspberries
· Basil
· Parsley
· Cabbage

The First Tomato!

The 4th of July we have growing on our deck yielded this ~2 inch beauty. It did not last through long once it was off the vine!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

CSA 2010: Week 4

Food this week: Beets (Sue had already cut and cooked the beets by the time I took this picture), a tiny bunch of Broccoli, Fava beans, Kale, Chard, Cilantro, Parsley, Basil, Raspberries, Shell peas, Snap and snow peas.