In spite of the continuous rains, and my own personal battle with slugs in the garden, the folks at
Many Hands Organic Farm produced another packed bag of vegetables this week. This week the share included: Parsley, Kale, Beet greens, Chard (which were huge and quite beautiful), Radishes, Strawberries, Peas, Lettuce (3 types), Green Onions, Oregano, Cilantro, Mint, and Garlic scapes (our 6 year old referred to these as garlic escapes at dinner, which is awesome). I have been drinking lots of mint tea over the past couple of weeks and really have begun to enjoy the part of the share. The boys and I also finished off the Strawberries this morning.
Yesterday, I made my most local meal so far this summer. Grilled Steak with sesame seasoned chard. I did use olive oil, sesame oil, sesame seeds, rice wine vinegar, and soy sauce, but most of the main ingredients were local. I marinated cube steak (from Blood Farm) in soy sauce, olive oil, with 2 diced green onions and 2 diced garlic scapes. I cooked outside on the gas grill. To prepare the chard, the removed the stems and cut the leaves into long strips. I put the leaves in a bowl and tossed them with a dressing of rice wine vinegar, dark sesame seed oil, honey and sesame seeds. I chopped the chard stems and a couple of garlic scapes into one inch pieces and sauteed them in a little bit of olive oil. After the stems became tender (about 6 minutes), I added the leaves and cooked them a couple of minutes until they were done. This meal was inspired by a steak wraps recipe I have been making for a couple of years (where I marinate slaw mix in the rice wine dressing) and wrap the steak and slaw in romaine leaves. It was not quite as good as the steak wraps, but it wasn't bad.