Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vegetable Updates

In the garden we currently have some things old and some things new. Above are the first couple of butternut squash growing in the garden. I have never successfully grown these before so these little fruit are exciting. These plants were put in the garden 3 months ago (yes, they were put out too early), and I wasn't sure if they were going to yield anything. These plants have have had a rough year (too much rain, too many slugs) and are a lot smaller than I would have hoped. With two more months of growing we may actually get a small number of of these squash before the frost (not that I am counting my squash before they get picked, but at least there is reason for a little hope).

Up on the deck, the peppers and tomatoes are all doing fairly well. There are 4 peppers (2 Bella Hots, 1 yellow bell, 1 red bell) and 6 tomatoes (2 hanging Sweet 100s, 2 hanging Romas, 1 Early Girl, 1 Ramapo) on the deck and they are all currently fruiting. The sweet 100s are the only ones that have produced fruit to pick, but I should have some big tomatoes and some hot peppers in another week.
With all of the old plants finally starting to bear fruit, I have started growing my fall crops. Above is my second planting of peas just emerging from the soil and below are my plantings of beets, salad greens, little finger carrots, and nantes carrots. I hope to transfer these in a couple of weeks. I also have a second planting of bush beans (the first round was pathetic), a second round of potatoes (which in hindsight may have been a bad idea), and one more attempt to get pickling cucumbers. I am going to push to harvest as late as possible this year!

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