On Friday I thinned my lettuce rows and harvested my first bowlful of salad greens. It wasn't much, but it was enough for a lunch side salad on Saturday and lettuce for a couple of sandwiches. I need to thin at least once more so I may be able to get another meal from these greens later this week. The peas and lettuce continue to look fantastic and I expect that in a week or so I will be eating a big bowl of salad everyday.
As for the planting, I completed a second planting of the 2 bean varieties and my third planting of beets and the 2 varieties of carrots. My first planting of all of them are poking through the soil I am happy about the progress of these so far. On the negative side, a couple of the tomato seedlings and nearly all of the squash I transferred last week look pretty rough after one week in the soil. Today I sprayed them all with fish emulsion so I will see how they respond. If they do not improve by weeks end I will replace with my reserve seedling over Memorial Day Weekend.
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