The weather here has been terrible in these parts for the past week to 10 days. Everyday has been rainy and unseasonably cool. The slugs apparently are loving it (based on the fact that I pick 20 - 40 off plants in my garden TWICE A DAY), but it is not the best weather for growing warm weather crops. Julie from MHOF apologized in advance for the shares being light this week, but I think it was still pretty good considering. This week we got 3 types of lettuce, green onions, kale, chard, cilantro, garlic scapes, mint, and a handful of snap peas. We also got strawberries as part of our fruit share. I should be able to pick a bunch of peas from our garden to get a meal's worth for the week. Here is a picture I took of my thriving pea plants from last weekend:
I am also a bit excited to get the garlic scapes. I have been reading about them on garden blogs all spring (like here, here, and here) and have never actually seen them in person. They are very cool looking, almost more like art than food. I now will have to come up with some way to use them in the kitchen.
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